Private Live-in Care
Love, warmth and empathy, we believe these virtues are at the core when delivering care services, ar Veecollins Health Care we ensure these virtues are with us as we deliver our services to you.
Get Free Consultation
With our Registered Manager about your Care & Support Needs
When you or a loved one need assistance with daily living activities, we can provide you with the care and support that they deserve. Our trained carer will move in with you to look after you and your home.
We find that Live-in care is the preferred option with Veecollins Healthcare when people:
- Choose to remain independent
- Prefer the comfort and security of familiar surroundings
- They want to maintain routines e.g. getting up times and mealtimes
- Priorities to maintain continuity for family/friends/support networks
- Indeed, want to avoid stress-related to selling their home
- Do want to keep their pets
- Cherish the memories in their homes/possessions
- Want and appreciate one-to-one care
Managing Medication
Our Carers are trained in Medication management and will prompt you to take medication. They can also make medical appointments or accompany you to health professionals.
Assistance With Safe Mobility
We make sure that your home is safe to improve mobility and movement whilst minimising falls.
Find out how Live-in care can help you maintain your Independence
Send us an email or give us a call at any time during working hours.